As the first post of this site, I wanted to dedicate it to a theme that has long been inconsistent in my life, but one that I have been finding through the years of my healing journey and my life in general – and that is: self-expression.
It is something that I have never really given much thought to. In my teenage years and all throughout my twenties, my life was more of a ‘reactive’ process rather than an ‘authentic’ showing up. From the constant ‘people-pleasing’ to ‘being afraid of rejection’, I struggled on so many levels, however I did not even know that I was struggling.
What happened to me that changed this and made me ‘wake up’? Well.. unfortunately, a diagnosis of a serious and chronic illness, an auto-immune condition called MS. The diagnosis came early this year, after a prior diagnosis of burn-out, and ADHD before that. I was just not managing any more leading my life in such a ‘reactive’ way. By reactive, I mean: going to work, over-working myself, prioritising others’ needs instead of my own, not even knowing I had any needs, not taking an interest in any hobbies.. basically a life lived that was void of any self-expression or even knowledge of the self.
Since then, and all throughout this year – my main focus has been to study. To learn more about myself, the spiritual world, the mental world, the world of emotions, and now – it is also time to live it. This is why I decided to start this site – to share my thoughts and learnings in an effort to help myself through this journey, and if it can be helpful to others, that would be a cherry on top!
In Part 2 of this post, I will talk more about what self-expression means and why it is such a necessary part of our life. Why we have to stop hiding who we are, and, if like me, you may not even know who you are, then this will be a great opportunity to delve into this together and make the discoveries together!